Strategic ones could be added, but sometimes they are not for a large number of employees, but by the type of production. Each company, whatever its size, constitutes a destination community, whose members are bound by a reciprocal trust and loyalty, the entrepreneur as director of the company and the employees and workers as entourage, work as a family together for the development of the company, the utility of the State and therefore for the People.

           The employer has as a driver, full authority and responsibility. The principle of driving and authority which previously only governed the conduct of the State also governs in the Econogenia, in the direction of economic enterprises. In this the difference with the moneycratic market system, is that the entrepreneur cannot throw someone out so easily, because he does not like him, or because he does not produce enough to selfish expectations of return. There is no basis for the latter, there will always be a good relationship of convenience for both parties.

            The entrepreneur decides in front of the entourage, in everything concerning the departure of the company. First of all, it issues a labour regulation, which may contain provisions on working conditions and these must comply without contradiction with the Labour Law.

            The businessman must ensure the welfare of his entourage with the same as politicians in the Assembly, he must be an intellectual and moral father to employees. Business driving is synonymous with high responsibility, although the worker also has an undeniable responsibility in their specific and socio-labor task.

            All employees and workers of the company must rely on responsible driving of the boss. They must maintain with him a relationship of loyalty and communication at the same level even if one decides and the other obeys, because that is what community work is based on. They must abide by the provisions of the boss, not because of the common blackmail of market companies, where the fear of losing the job produces the minimum expected performance, but because it is aware that any improvement in one’s own work implies a benefit of its own, for the company and for the whole community. In order for this to become a matter of practice with results, and not a mere declamation of the doctrine, entrepreneurs must be educated in the Ecology and know it deeply. This is also the joint task of the Ministries of Education and Labour.

            Companies of 20 or more employees must have a delegate, who does not necessarily have to have extra salaries or allowances “for not working”, even if the company pays for their trips if they are necessary.

 CREATION OF CEL, Labour State Council

            State Intelligence shall determine an equal number of persons (if possible with even representation of sexes) between employees and employers, who must not be more than forty (twenty workers and twenty entrepreneurs) who possess the most unimpeachable ethical qualities and background, and a high IQ, to form the Labour State Council. The functions of its members will be honorific, but working times at CEL, in the case of employees, will be paid as normal working time by the state, not by their employers.

            This CEL should assist with its advice when convened, the President of the National Assembly and the Minister of Labour on matters relating to the organisation of work. Its main tasks: strengthening mutual trust within companies; safeguards the well-being of all members of the community; arbitrate disputes within the Community undertaking or the private undertaking, avoiding as far as possible the burdens on the judicial system. The functions of trade unions shall be fed up with the Workers’ Ombudsman of each Assembly and the CEL.

            The company or working community is founded on social honor, which enjoys special protection. Men are not valued according to provisions, paragraphs, contracts and decrees. While the creation of courts of honour as in the nineteenth century is not admissible, this subjective factor determines the fate of peoples, so that it must be a matter of study, dissemination and teaching at all levels, raising awareness among the people of this attribute of the spirit.

            Transgressions to social duties must be duly provided for in the laws emanating from the Assemblies.

  1. a) If the director of the company, abusing his or her powers, maliciously takes advantage of his or her position or the workforce of the members, its employees, or injures his or her honor, or if a member of the working community endangers the work peace through malicious incitement, especially when a delegate knowingly takes undue intervention in the direction of the company or constantly injures , and with malice, the spirit of community in the company, or publish confidential reports without authorization, and any other cause not resolved by the CEL, can be sanctioned by the Ministry of Labour and once the case has been investigated by an Employment Judge, made available to the relevant Assembly.

            Labour courts are established in each of the regional areas of labour representatives, and consist of a judicial officer, the director of a company and a delegate. As a second instance, a High Court operates. Penalties in workplaces are: warning, warning, regulatory penalties, inability to be a company manager or delegate, until the current workplace or change of functions.

            The representatives of labour, both judicial officials and members of the CEL and the Ministry of Labour are Executive Officials of Government. They are subordinate to the surveillance service of the Minister of Labour and are subject to government guidelines and indications.

            The Minister of Labour may appoint delegates and appoint special representatives for the fulfilment of particular missions, which escape their ordinary competence.

            The essential mission of labour representatives (i.e. CEL) and delegates or special representatives of the Ministry is to maintain labour peace, to constantly improve the human conditions of work and productivity, for which they have broad resolution powers. In particular, they are responsible for:

  1. Monitor the constitution and performance of local labour councils and in certain cases, appoint sub-delegates or leave them stranded.
  2. Review at the request of the CEL the decisions of the company manager on the development of the general conditions of work, in particular the rules of work and, in certain cases, dictate the necessary order.
  3. Check compliance with minimum wage pay and regulate extra earnings, in order to avoid aberrant cultural marketing in liberal professions of any nature.
  4. Collaborate in the effectiveness of the jurisdictional power of labor courts.
  5. Exercise the right of inspection in redundancies, especially in cases of unemployment, and to avoid them by improving the conditions of companies, reviewing the causes and relocating the unemployed. At the request of the CEL or any labour official investigating a case, in the event of recidivism, intentional transgressions to its written and general ordinances are criminally prosecuted.


            It is for the Ministry of Labour and the National Assembly to establish the Labour Court of the Nation and to the latter a Law regulating in an elastic, synthetic and effective manner, the general and particular work activity, the distribution of work and the functions of each according to the Vocational Guidance Service, under the Minister of Labour. This service will not only address the vocational factor as the individual desire itself, but also the suitability, training and psychological, intellectual and physical capacity. The Undersecretariat for Public Transport, under the Ministry of Employment of the Nation, develops strategic transport plans to save resources, time and effort of citizens to assist in their work. The main mission of the Employment Secretariat is to distribute jobs in the most appropriate manner by proximity, as well as to promote or facilitate the accommodation of citizens who regularly reside in other places further away. The same strategic criteria will apply for trade, industry and transport in general.


            The Minister of Economy has the power to:

 1.- Recognize economic associations as representatives of the respective field; constitute, dissolve, or unite such partnerships. Economic associations are those associations or meetings of associations, which concern the safeguarding of the economic interests of employers and businesses.

 2.- Modify and supplement the social statutes and contracts of economic associations to establish in particular the principle of leadership.

3.- Appoint or terminate the heads of economic associations and major Community companies. Not so the managers of private companies, who could only cease for inoperability or offences, and the decision is in such cases the Labour Court, after analysis of the CEL.


            As we have explained and repeated, the Econogenia is a mere instrument at the service of The Ecologist, just as it is an instrument of the People. And as such, its Ministry is undoubtedly the one that needs the least resources and staff to function even if it is divided into more secretariats. Significantly smaller than the Ministry of Labour, because of its importance. complexity and variety, is infinitely greater than the variants of simple administrative techniques and figure management.

            The Minister of the Economy may, in accordance with the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Labour, issue decrees and general administrative provisions. All of them must be approved by the President and the Board of Directors of the National Assembly as usual, or by the Assembly in plenary in the case of measures of strategic importance, It may issue the dissolution of undertakings on serious judicial grounds or on economic shortcomings affecting level 2, 3 and 4 undertakings. Violations of these rules are punished at your request, according to the Law.

            It may, in agreement with the Board of Directors of the National Assembly, provide for the issuance of money and all its details.

            It may establish a Special Economic Court whose members may not collect their management and may not be linked in anything with the subjects of trial.

            Its attributes are basically the same as those of any ministry of economy in any country, but its Environmental conscience must stand out, as in all senior government executives, since they must set an unimpeachable and heroic example to society. On technical regulation of finance and administration, there is no need to add more in this book, since the plan as a whole simplifies economics to a high degree.


            Labour law, as the Econogenic Law, seeks to suppress the parasitic structure of financial associations and bodies. It must organize the economy and insufflate in it and in the field of associations the Ecologenic spirit. The goals of the new ordering are also:

  1. A) Creation of a clear and unitary organization with regard to partnerships. The law pursues the usury financial and banking economy, and as far as the structure of partnerships is concerned, it replaces them by creating a small number of associations linked to each other by the system of labour, production and consumption.

            1.- The new economic groups constituted exercise the exclusive representation of the respective economic sector. The previous multiplicity of organizations and unions that continually fought each other is suppressed.

            2.- Each company must belong to a certain economic group, thus achieving its precise and appropriate place, within the framework of the total economy. Until now, it was absolutely optional for companies to join the association and to as many different organizations as they wanted. For now they must be incorporated, as far as the association is, in a precise and appropriate place and cannot be members of more than one organization.

  1. B) Subordination of economic leadership to state leadership, in accordance with the Ecologenic principle of the supremacy of policy over economics. They can’t go back to economists, who give orders to politicians.

             1.-. As far as professional associations are concerned, “the principle of leadership” is also applied. The leader of the total organization of the economy, the leader of each group and any professional association, decides authoritarianly without considering the decision of the majority. That’s what the Assemblies are for and the regulations derived from them.

            The authority of the true economic leader takes the place of the schematic legal precepts, and of private law agreements. In this way, the guidance of the leader of all companies and industries, in the worldview and in the economic conception of the Ecologenia, which is fixed by the law on the system of work, is ensured from now on.

            2.- The Econogista leadership must lead to the change of the previous interest groups, turning them into responsible professional groups before their people and their homeland.

            While market associations are only committed to ensuring their particular advantage, professional and economic groups must be members of the whole, and always consider their well-being. The Econogenic spirit, as a tool of Ecologenia, must be translated, first and foremost, into the disappearance of “competition”, which until now was carried out through monopoly cartels, oligopolies and price agreements achieved petty to the harm of the People. Instead, collaboration, solidarity, optimization must prevail. Even in the improvements that an individual or private group can achieve in any sense, it will only be valid for the creative if it serves the whole. To this end, the Patent Office, under the Ministry of the Interior, must assess discoveries and inventions to make their owners, but at the same time facilitate the dissemination of technological and scientific improvements to the entire community. Cartels and price agreements are totally undesirable and could only be used as a transitional measure and in certain special cases. The Minister of Economy could institute a special economic tribunal.


The technical distribution of the Ministry of the Economy is done in twelve main groups, namely, with its corresponding secretariats:

1) Mining and production of minerals and metals.

2) Precision mechanical, electronics, optical and mechanical industries.

3) Steel and metals in general. 

4) Ceramic and glass industries, forestry, quarries and mines of products for construction.

5) Chemical industries, refineries, paper, etc.

6) Leather, textiles and apparel.

7) Agro, Livestock and Food.

8) Crafts.

9) Trade.

10) Banks and Mint.

11) Insurance.

12) Transports.

            Other items may be necessary in some countries depending on the modality of the transition between the capitalist system and the Econogenia. The territorial sub-distribution of economic functioning will be done in accordance with the infrastructure existing in each country, rather than by legal-political distribution. This does not preclude the Minor, Local and Provincial Assemblies from carrying out the appropriate political controls in their jurisdiction.

            The purpose of regional sub-distribution of industry is the treatment of common industrial issues, above the technical, exceeding a certain economic field. A regional organization corresponding to an area should then deal with cases of common interest to different economic associations. These tasks are typical of industrial and commercial chambers. In order to achieve these objectives, a close link should be maintained, between the corresponding territorial subdivision, with the other remaining economic groups, and also with the industrial and commercial chambers. Events will show whether such non-specialty tasks will be carried out by a particular organisation to be constituted, or transferred to the industrial or commercial chambers.


            The Food Secretariat covers not only industries derived from agriculture, but the entire economy and logistics of food. It exercises the economic representation of agriculture, including agricultural associations, wholesale and retail agricultural trade and the industrialization of agricultural products. It’s an autonomous corporation under public law.

            Its objectives: It aims to pool its members in the responsibility towards the nation and the government, to vitally support the rebirth, conservation and strengthening of the people. Above all, it aims to promote peasantry, agriculture, associations and agricultural trade, as well as the preparation and industrialization of its products; solve social problems among its members, strike a beneficial balance for the common good in the forces it brings together, and support the authorities, in all the problems that are up to it. It also has, like all other agencies, an obligation to ensure the honour of the class of its members.

            The corporation represented in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock comprises all citizens who work permanently in agriculture as owners who own, usufructuarioe, landlords or tenants of farms, family members, workers, employees, officials, as well as the former owner or usufructuary of property intended for agriculture, when it has any right. It is the case of agricultural associations, including their unions and institutions by style, and all natural or legal persons working in trade (wholesale or retail), or in the preparation or processing of agricultural products. Agriculture within the meaning of the ordinance also covers forestry, winemaking, beekeeping, horticulture, fishing – inland waters and coastal waters – and hunting, consumption water control and irrigation. The Ministry of Econogenia should technically serve in all areas required to achieve all kinds of improvements in production and distribution.


            The Ministry of Culture and Education represents the meeting in a high spiritual unity, of all those who work in the field of culture. It aims to promote the culture that corresponds to each country, as a priority matter, in defense of the Nation and the spiritual essence of the peoples, through the collaboration of the members of all branches of the activity, covered by it; regulate the economic and social issues of the cultural profession and strike a balance between all the aspirations of the groups it understands. The responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and Education is not to train “good employees of the system”, nor nerds full of data, but to train worthy, intellectually and spiritually open and politically fit men and women to participate in politics and in the defense of the Ecologenic way of life, as well as individuals with a transcendent vision of life.

            He has to teach thinking, to analyze, to rather than to “believe”. To do this, it is necessary to first train and teach all representatives of culture, especially artists, responsibility to the people and the homeland in the way they feel and think, in their works and in the choice of their themes. Only in this way can the teaching of Ecologenia in all its details to the citizen mass bear fruit. As has already been said, especially in “Ecologenia, Global Emergency Policy”, this is not a mere “political system” or an “economic system”, but these systems are tools that give body and strength to ecology as a way of life.

            The cultural, political and popular ideal necessarily derives from the well-known and well-understood Ecologenic worldview of all citizens.

            Art and culture do not have a special and separate existence, nor can it remain merely merchandise for elites, nor can their values be defined by market speculators, nor is it acceptable in an Ecologenic society, that any pseudo-musical breast or any spot painting that can make a primate, has value simply because it has been painted or interpreted by a subject whose signature has independent economic value from the work , even if you may find yourself drunk or drugged when painting or singing. Art and Culture are conditioned by the life of the people and should serve to maintain the highest ethical values and political values on which the happiness and security of all depends. Politics and ethics are different things, but a policy separate from ethics can only serve slavers. If politics is like the mortar that unites and affirms, ethics is the ashlar, the block, the brick. You can build a fortress only with the blocks. Without the mortar their strength, tenacity and permanence are much less certain. But with mere mortar, without the ashlar of ethics, no strength can be made. And art, as subtle as ethics, is nevertheless as important as it is to strengthen the spirit of peoples.

            This does not mean that artists are no longer creative, nor that some form of censorship will be applied. On the contrary, because the worst artistic and cultural censorship of history has been that produced by the market, denying possibilities to talented reals, spreading only those works suitable to the destruction of ethical, aesthetic, spiritual values and all that represents the Soul of the People, because only by undermining those values does the human spirit be subjected to all kinds of slavery. Also, to increase individualism, they have been imposed by the markets, the “personalities” above their works. The masses know more about the personal life, the homes and fortunes of the artists, than their creations or the stories that inspired them.

            Art and culture have a high moral mission. Especially in times of concern and economic hardship or as now, in times of change. It is important to clarify ideas to all citizens; a task is immeasurable compared to enshrining in reciprocal economic selfishness. The cultural monuments of humanity were always the altars of recognition of their best mission and superior dignity. The Econogenia, even as a mere economic instrument of Ecologenia, must beautify the lives of citizens, enhance it, and that is why the Ministry of Economy must provide the Ministry of Culture and Education with the necessary means for the artistic formation of the people. This formation puts the strength of enthusiasm, joy and all the spirituality that entails, at the service of the community, to improve coexistence and promote the sense of Transcendence in all people. Ecology cannot in any way be a Theocracy and for this there are constitutional provisions of freedom of worship and secularity of the State, but a policy that does not foresee the spiritual development of the people, is nothing more than a remeasurement of politics, exercised only by utilitarians in the service of interests outside the people.

            It is not intended that a new creed dominates and indeed, ecology is not a “creed”, but a concrete, objective way of life, part of a clear and eternal science. But wherever it appears, in whatever country it is, as a popular feeling, we must take jealous care that corresponds in its artistic form, to the whole of the historical process that ecologenia must develop, whatever religion or race.

            We must seek as an ideal a profound union of the heroic conception of life, with the eternal laws of art. It is not a question of attacking art, nor of putting it in censorship boxes, but of allyting it without leaving room for the improvised people that the world sinarchy has fabricated as icons to destroy the arts of all peoples. The laws of art themselves, as any true artist well knows, can never be changed, are eternal and extract their substance from the domains of infinity, so they allow infinite creation.

            As regards the economy of artists, it may be private in nature, being exclusively the popular approval without market influences, the only judge. However, the Ministry of Culture and Education will give economic aid and diverse priorities, only to those artists who interpret in any expression of art, the feeling of their people.

            It is of the utmost importance, both in politics and in the economy, that the people tend – as in sports – to be a protagonist as much as they can, not mere and eternal spectator.

Title Sixth

            The demand for the abolition of slavery of interest is one of the core points of the Ecologenic movement programme and shows more clearly, than any other point, that the Econogenia is not a mere economic form but a moral obligation. This implies the liberation of creative work, from the dominance of financial speculative capital.


            The situation in the 21st century is very different from all the historical background of the fight against moneycracy, because the system is no longer supported and peoples have almost generally understood the monstrous trap of the financial economy. The objectives behind that economy of finance, are none other than absolute control, the permanence in the more or less hidden power of a few families of bankers, with an entourage of real houses, minion politicians and large capitalists. Today peoples are drowned out by debts, mortgages, barely in time to work (the luckiest) to be able to pay a few goods over a lifetime, that any unsalted economy would give them greatly multiplied and without cruel sacrifices of any kind.

            For anyone with internet access who wants to spend a few hours finding out, today it is possible to know very well how the pitfalls of the financial economy work, that money “does not exist”, because one tenth of the money is circulating but the other nine tenths are “debt”, pure zeros on a computer. True, the Econogenia has to fight interests, but the worst enemy to overcome is the fear of crowds to lose what little they have (which in many cases will be the bank for life). Only a massive and global understanding of the Ecology and its economic instrument can overcome that psychological ghost of the masses and mobilize them to obtain their freedom.


            The fundamental position of the Ecologenia with regard to interest: The “abolition of slavery of interest” does not mean, in general, the total elimination of money, but that the privilege belongs to the worker and money has a pattern that is the time-of-work, and not the cheating demands of financial capital.

            The privilege of work is total, versus capital.  It is theoretically absurd and practically desy, the collection and consumption of interest from a capital, without any work being applied or applied to do so. Any gain accumulated by private work and business is lawful, but in no way can profit be lawful by selling money. Money is a tool of the state, not a commodity.

            For a people, work is the primary and the economic interest is secondary. Profit is inevitable, inexorable and fair product of work.

            The Econogenia gives absolute pre-eminence of the security of the employer in the face of the legitimate economic demand of the capital given on loan. That is why only the State can be the one to grant the loan, because even at a thorough end lost, it will do nothing but enrich the Nation, activate the machinery of labor, which produces all the legitimate wealth represented in goods and services for citizens. And at the same time, it is the State that ensures that the company that receives a loan is productive and returns – without usury at all – the amount received, since there is no “loss of the value of the currency”. There can be no inflation or losing value a currency that is based on everyone’s work, unrelated to economic dismantling in other countries or in a transnational financial consortium.

            The capital borrowed for usury purposes, totally forgets that it depends on the economic result of the company; forgets that it loses its moral legitimacy when it is unwilling to serve companies. Only it is foreseen by guarantees, recovering the unrecoil, but in reality the return, when the accounts are taken out well, are a constant drain that bleeds companies and individuals, with risk of loss of work, loss of guarantees, of human relations with the guaranists, and all that is already known from the own experience almost anyone in any country.

            The concept of slavery of interest arises in practice because the world mass has been deceived and has not realized that there is no magic property in money, but that every interest flows from the work of another, that the interest that pockets the capitalist diminishes the benefit of the one who works, he will never be able to have any doubt about the role of the productive system of interests. The main source of the international money is the endless and easy flow of goods that generates interest at the expense of the work of those who barely have to live. The international dominance of gold is born of the immoral thought of the loan in interest.

            The slavery of interest also arises in the abuse of the holder of the capital that is given on loan, from which the moral and cultural damage of the consciences of peoples, money to such an extent, is born that they believe that it is not possible for a country or an individual to prosper if it is not indebted.

            Today the “abolition of the slavery of money” must come, as the only escape to international servitude that threatens the world. The international strength of money enthrones, on the right of self-determination of peoples, the supra-State financial power; great international capital. Secondly, a spiritual position that has expanded on broad circles of the people: Consumerism, the insatiable voracity of goods, which has led to a dreadful sinking of all moral principles. In this rests the rejection of thought in money, and the rejection of the assessment of the wealth of the people, in the guarismos of the capital account. The richness of the people finds exclusively its expression, in the spiritual and physical forces of the work of the whole Nation.


             Some patriotic governments in many countries have refrained from compulsively intervening in setting interest rates, and have repeatedly spoken out in the method of organic interest reduction, efforts have been made to pay external debt, and few have succeeded, at the expense of their own strategic resources and the poverty and temporary sacrifice of the people. However, time and again, the merchants of finance manage to infiltrate the partidocratic states, overthrow the “dictatorships” or “regimes” (whether or not voted by the peoples) that have managed to oppose the slaves of international usury, and finally the world is going as it goes, with unpayable “external debt”. Everyone knows it, everyone condemns it, but apparently no one managed to clarify the ideas and methods of getting rid of slavery of interest.

            Some revolutions have sought it, either by arms, or by peaceful demonstrations such as 9/11, but none of that can work to achieve results, without a clear and comprehensive plan, or without truly responsible leaders and willing to realize the aspirations of the peoples. Instead, the intelligence services of the world’s economic synarchy infiltrate these movements (without or with it) the subjects who have already been prepared to carry out the criminal agenda they have been holding for decades. That is why the dissemination of Ecology is for now, at the time of editing these books, the absolute priority. Every citizen with the ability to translate into other languages without loss of a single concept must do so. The Assemblies have to sprout like Flowers of Humanity and Natural Policy around the world, so that the number of agents that sinarchy has, cannot encompass all the neighborhoods of the world, therefore it will not cover all districts, provinces and countries.

            Today it may seem impossible to face this problem and overthrow the bondage of usury in a lonely country, without the risk of a new world war. However, it is now when the conditions are created for any country that meets its most desired destination to set an example for the whole world. It must be the world mass that reacts and produces the expected change, however difficult it may seem. Economic attempts by some politicians who do not yet understand the scope of the global economic trap and seek to produce a “gradual decline in interest” are no longer useful.

            As a gradual decline in interest, the attempt to indirectly influence the reduction in interest rates should be understood, by measures taken in particular on the capital market. First, only a decrease in the interest on securities is sought, with a fixed interest rate. Supposedly, the private market for money will be influenced very little by this circumstance, to gradually achieve a fitting of the types, according to the returns of real wealth, but all of that is a mirage that has never turned out to any country. It’s like a Gordian knot, which you can only fight if you don’t fall into the trap of wanting to “undress” it.

            The interest rate is assumed to be determined by the supply and demand for capital. The supply of capital depends on the amount and time of formation of the capital in the production process, which is always conditioned by the amount of the part of the income that can be saved, above what is indispensable to meet the minimum needs. But all this is an illusion, because while it is true that in the market economy capital demand is determined by the needs of consumers according to their income, the truth is that the arithmetic entropy of interests, also put through strategic manipulations of the markets and not by the true demand-supply relationship , makes everyone indebted above their actual production possibilities. To top it all off, generating a decrease in productive capacity, by virtue of more renters than workers… This applies to individuals and businesses as well as states. Any theory can be opposed to what has been said, but what has been said is an undeniable and obvious fact. Is there a better theory that explains the economic shortcomings of so many people, businesses and even the states themselves?

            Adding to the problem is a substantive variant, which is the most desperate: Politicians are more committed to “economic measures” that do not go from speculative games that produce higher debts, increasing tax burdens on the people and – worse – to the detriment of all companies, therefore many must close, further reducing the productive capacity of the nation. The slavery of interest is like an armed trap inside a mud pit, where everything slips down into poverty. With each credit a stretch of rope is intended to be able to climb, but the well is actually made, deeper and wider, and never enough to get out of it because it is increasingly necessary to get into debt more and more. Credits are drawn to pay off loans and “plug holes” more urgently, enlarging debt and problems over time.

            Therefore, the gradual decrease in interest in the reduction of the risk premium, or for any other measure or reason, is always a trap within the major trap.

             For the people and the nation, restoring and strengthening confidence at work, rather than in financial speculation, is a political problem, not an economic or mathematical problem. It is therefore once again clear that, in politics and not in the economy is the fate of the People.

            Countries can create, in the Ecologenic model, a wealth based on autarchy, taking advantage of each and every one of its resources to become strong and abundant in every way. They don’t need capital. Money in the hands of the State as an instrument should never be bought or sold. It should only allow the internal development of the country in all areas. Even in import and export, money can be replaced by consumer goods, machinery, raw materials, technology, etc., valuing in approximation of h/h, even for transactions with countries not yet Ecologenic.

            In a later evolutionary step, when the whole world is Ecologenic, it will be possible to abolish the use of money or it will simply disappear simply because it is not necessary for most human activities. For now, by eliminating usury in any form, national banking and money, returning countries to have their “national currency”, will suffice. Control of information must be the biggest challenge for Environmentalists worldwide, so that the masses around the world can understand how to act, so as not to be dragged into the wars they intend to take against every Environmentalist country.

            Plans for global genocide are already underway because of the demographic problem that poses a risk of collapse and loss of power from hidden rulers, so risking a war is not as terrible as what is already underway, of a highly technified elite and with plenty of the highest material and scientific resources , against the naive populations vaccinated, teleidioted and overlooking the sky. It is sufficient for any citizen to learn about the chemtrails and the effects “Morguellons”, “scalar weapons” and other matters described in the first book of Ecologenia. We have nothing to lose, but much to gain, dethroning the rulers of the markets.

            States must ensure the savings of citizens, and can do so in money itself, or at the h/h value itself (“time-man”), depending on the type of work you have. Of course, liberal professions will have a better chance of saving than fixed-shift employees. However, the minimum insured wage must give a quality of life that no State has been able to give and maintain over time, under the guidelines of the international market.

            Going back to attempts to reduce interest through financial policies, they’re like telling the thief to “get a little less, ” or saying to the killer “kill me more slowly.”


            In a fundamental step, by nationalizing banking, citizens’ savings, which will be converted to the national currency in any case, can be considered safe. This is necessary so as not to damage the already battered economy of citizens and businesses. But this “saved capital” will not be given an interest again, but a safe investment in the productive items that each chooses. Nor will a “capital tax” be created, as they will serve to keep the national activity running until the Econogenic system is fully functional.

            This process should not go from one to two months, after the Assembly system is put in place, because as we have said, it is not an economic problem, but a political problem. And the policy has to be resolved in the Assemblies. Economic measures do not require a long time, they are merely a technical practice of urgent application.

            Savers should not fear any monetary experiments and any compulsive intervention on what belongs to them. More important than all prescriptions and paragraphs, the government also has the purpose and decision to protect the saver. It is desirable to declare a kind of “financial amnesty”, whereby and under which no interest will be paid or tax will be charged, savers can declare their money regardless of their origin or previous way of obtaining. It is not in the interest of punishing former income-income people in any way, but turning them to the new way of seeing the economy, the political system and the way of life.

            In a system where money devaluation does not exist, the opposite may nevertheless occur. Domestic money can increase its value relative to foreign wholesale production, as the country’s labor machinery is perfected. Therefore, even if it is allowed to save on gold or other forms of goods, they will never be as safe as savings in national currency.

            The appropriations will only be given by the State and without interest, except for penalties that may arise for non-compliance. Even so, it must be considered on a case-by-case basis and special aid to companies, because all legitimate wealth derives from them. Credit must be a creator for the community. Since the wealth of a Nation ultimately lies in the capacity and labor force of its children; this, then, is the last limit for the creation of credit that the government must give. A substantial increase in the supply of capital cannot happen in a foreseeable time, at least of private means and at an appreciable face value. Those who demand credit should be limited to the economic use of scarce and valuable capital, especially for production. Real wealth will gradually grow and with it the capital available to individuals.

Title Seventh

            Just as the “legal obligation” to give work by the Roman Empire was absurd, since there was no impediment to developing it according to vocation and capacity, therefore this “obligation” was not regulated by a state operating under natural laws and an efficient census based fairly on labour skills, the “right to strike” in an Ecologenic State is a perollado , given the rules that prevent slavery and labour non-conformity, as well as the bodies created in order to optimize safety, vocational activity, fair payment, protections for companies and employees, etc.

            Strikes have always been another factor in measuring the ineptitude of politicians and the political system itself, not only because of the intensity and frequency of the strike, but also because of its realization. The right to strike instituted by governments is nothing more than a destructive palliative, an indicator of constant labor injustice, which is put as a buffer to cover up a little the ineptitude of politicians and the background of corruption of the system itself. It’s like saying ,”You have the right to protest not working… how long are you going to last without earning your miserable living wage?”


            The foundation of job creation is the unwavering conviction that man can dominate the economy and must not and cannot be dominated by it. The Econogenia can apply in the creation of work the forces of faith and will. Nations rise, found, develop, and prosper thanks to the same spirit that animates people in any order of life. That is, the force that gives away all good and drives is composed of enthusiasm, faith in one’s own values and of compatriots. “Faith in the People”. Faith is crucial, not external technical means.

            The spiritual andanimous characteristics of the people enclose the forces of resurgence; faith gives way to trust in one’s own forces. Heaven – religiously speaking – has only helped in all times, to whom he put his trust in his own forces. For the State there is an irrenciaus obligation to make the right to work.

            We deal in these books of Ecology, Constitution Assembly and Econogenia, technical, political and economic organization issues, but the essence of the matter lies in the most subjective factors, such as ethics, loyalty, dignity, respect, enthusiasm, joy, faith, patriotism, altruism, heroism, and ultimately the DOC-TRINA of Ecologenia that is Love, Intelligence, Will in perfect balance, without which the technique is vacua.

            Mercantilists have led governments and peoples to believe that there are immutable economic laws and that these are the Market Laws, defended in the party-released parliaments and in literature and cinematography, with a history of money even among the cavemen of the Stone Age. Only part of that is true: That there are Immutable Economic Laws, but they are not those of the market, but those of Nature. For we must abid by them if we wish to have a life full of goods for all and continue to have a beautiful world.

            The states made up of charlatans and mediocre, sometimes unaware of those who actually serve, have not been able to see the subtle traps that were plotted against the countries as a Gordian Knot. They saw almost as a fatalism, as their royal houses were infiltrated, and when they could not with them, destroyed with bloody revolutions. They have seen all the peoples, without understanding very well the situation how their economies have been gradually sinking and increasing the number of the unemployed, mortgages, suicides and crimes for economic causes. Millions of people suffer from unjust economic misfortune, in despair, without consolation, looking at a “future without a future,” even in developed countries.

            Organizational proposals were made to each other, but the economy was not considered to be driven by faith and the trust of the people. And therein lies the greatest of mistakes. Even the best plan cannot be realized if the people have no faith in the plan or in themselves.

            In the Ecologenic world we must create, the state will not distribute rents, but will create job opportunities. As far as possible, no citizen should accept a benefit from the community without consideration, but must serve the people and the homeland even in cases of receiving the smallest aid.

            “Social works” are dedicated to distributing alms, and what people deserve is not that. They need opportunities, work, administrative honesty and exemplary behavior on the part of politicians. The unemployed who receive a subsidy without consideration, is wounded in his dignity and cannot feel like a free and equal-entitled citizen.

            In many ways the aptitude or ineptitude of politicians can be measured, but the most obvious form of all is the rate of unemployment.

            Only labor creates capital. The organization of well-done work produces demand for goods and services.  This will in turn determine increased demand for work.

            When many people don’t have enough to eat and dress, or to have a home, while others don’t have a chance to work, or companies can’t grow, it’s not because “there’s not enough money.” That only happens because politicians are inept or because they work for other employers who are not the ones who voted for them.

            These puppet governments always blame the party that ruled before, and the scarcity of capital, meaning that a kind of Market God does not give enough, but we must insist on asking for more. They then push for a policy of depression, see job creation, firstly as a capital and credit problem and still in part, as a matter dependent on the international credit and monetary situation. Countries’ “financial bailouts,” as well as debt purchases and sales, are already the point of deception, the economic oversight of so-called modern wizards with “some problems” in adjusting markets.

            Environmental governments must push for short- and long-term economic policies, which must be pushed only by the thinking of national economic productivity, discarding any domestic financial formula and definitively eliminating the idea of foreign financial aid.

            The usefulness of a measure to create work, as well as the construction of motorways, railways or community factories, cannot always be understood exactly in a calculation of figures. Economic is not primarily a problem of calculations, which is not to say that economic goods should be squandered; nor that the national currency is shaken. Large work-creation measures must be carried out without jeopardy the national currency and existing currencies in savings. These must be transferred to the National Bank and this should be the only possible bank. Banks as private companies must be abolished from the face of the Earth, or the world will remain a slave to a few bankers.

            The national currency is an instrument of the people and must not and cannot have a process of “inflation”, nor anything like it. To this end, appropriations should serve only for the creation of work and increase in the material production of goods and services. Its value can only increase based on greater savings. The largest capitalization of the country, businesses and people, can only occur by increasing production in all areas.

            The Ecologenic State should not seek to organize an economic bureaucracy, but to have objective technicians to manage, while promoting the strengthening of private initiative. The medium and small business must be really supported, with credits without the need for other endorsements than well-drafted projects and the signature of its owner together with the employees to hire. Although only the owner must be responsible for returning the credit, just as he will be the highest return, employees must have an insured minimum wage, plus the benefits required by the laws and those agreed with the employer.

            As will be understood, ecology and its Econogenia, is something very different from Marxism, capitalism, feudalism and few historical or current examples could be cited as approximations to Ecologenic life. The goal of its economic policy is to produce the goods first so that they can be consumed later, so the markets must also be organized with private company criteria as far as possible, but in any case, with the same guidelines set out in the regulations of Business Division of the Ministry of Labour.

            If you want to enjoy authentic wealth, you have to produce first. If you want to live in an Econogenia, where everyone works only in what he likes and is trained, and that the tranquility and economic abundance is what everyone dreams and yearns for, first we must form Environmental States. We would like to say that there are other alternatives, but the Ecologenia and especially the Econogenia, have been conceived thanks to the clearest and most concrete historical examples. Even some paragraphs have been translated and transcribed with due adaptations, from the best historical documents on what has worked in the distant, near and topical past.

            It is not an invention of an “enlightened”, but a work of an ordinary man, who has put at the service of humanity everything learned in historical and anthropological research, especially what he learned about politics in theory and practice.

            The only unknown factors at the time of editing are two: whether metapolitics or natural phenomena will be able to give time for this realization, and which peoples deserve this work that must serve as a guide and spark of ignition to take ownership of their destiny. The deep desire of the author and all those who have contributed to these works is that they serve everyone. We hope so.

Title Eighth

Structure of Government Executives, Dependents of the National Assembly: (Clarification: That this structure is only of form, it can vary considerably and in some countries already exists very similarly to what has been stated, although the functionalities will be different)

Ministries, Secretariats and other agencies. They may be created if necessary, avoiding any unnecessary official or charge.


Occupational Health (SBS Inspection, Research SBS for Occupational Safety)

Labor Education (Socio-Labor Education Schools)

Employment (SBS Vocational Liaison, SBS Employment Distribution, Payment Control SBS, SBS Public Transport).



Territorial Order (SBS of Industry, SME SBS, SBS Ministry Liaison)

CEL (Labour State Council)


Health Centres

Social Security

Pharmacy (SBS Pharmaceutical Processing, SBS Drug Distribution)

Food Control, Water Control, Drugs and Liquors

Emergencies and Firefighters



National Bank


Public Accounts

Private Accounts

Internal Trade

Public Works

Tourism and Landscape


 Technology and Intellectual Rights (replaces the Patent System)

Catastro and Urbanism

State intelligence

Armed Forces


Air and Maritime Control

Strategic Infrastructure


Children’s Education

Middle Education

Higher Education

Buildings and Museums

Intellectual Registration

Leisure and Culture

Historical Recovery

Scientific Research


Journalism school

Chain of command

Media Control

Radio and Television


Official Gazette

Assembly Information


Diplomatic Corps

Registration of Foreigners

Cult Register

School of Diplomats

Foreign Trade Link

Border Affairs Link


1) Contact the editor or through the links you will find on the Internet and the Telegram app channel.  

2) Meet with your neighbors, study deeply with them what is set out in this volume, clarify ideas and become a real politician, teaching these concepts to your friends, neighbors, family… Prepare to found a “party,” even if it seems paradoxical. Power must be reached under the conditions given, but there may not be time for it and it may be necessary to react globally against globalist tyranny, through the formation of Assemblies directly, in order to replace partitocratic governments, mostly illegal.

3) If you speak other languages, contact to arrange translation matters with the author.

4) Disseminate on social networks the links to the web and blogs of Ecologenia, that its action awakens awareness. If you do it disciplinedly, half an hour or an hour a day, you will get thousands of people each week to join the Environmental Movement. Be an author of the Great Change you desire.

Be A PROTAGONIST of politics, instead of waiting for a messiah to appear to solve the hundreds of problems that your community, your Homeland and Humanity as a whole have.
                    Gabriel Silva