PREVIOUS PAGE…// The division of powers implies neutralization in many respects, especially as far as justice is concerned, represents a huge cost to the national economy but above all, the existence of a “legislative power” represents a magnificent wedge for bankers. Without changing lawmakers who can change the laws, they could not infiltrate and pervert the values of society. They wouldn’t have been able to kidnap the world like they did, seizing everything through money. Without this aberration of the political and therefore of humanity, called “legislative power”, they would not have been able to destroy the patriotic armies. So… who should decide the important things if we abolish Parliament? No, Parliament should not be abolished. That, the Senate, should be composed of judges, not charlatans who form choir to the “parties.”  

In collusion with them, the usurers have paid supposed conscientious objectors to create that title and mobilize others, with which the bums, the ignorant of the patriotic duties, the political illiterate young people, are proud of. But these conscientious objectors have only left the space for it to be occupied by foreign mercenaries or the most violent and heartless murderers of the country itself, soon to invade other territories as to massacre their own population. We have met more than one “conscientious objector,” who then seeks to join the armed forces through economic despair and unemployment.

            In several countries, over the past two centuries, after a dictator or honest president disappeared, the “democracy” of the parties has been established and “coupist” farce have been immediately mounted. On all occasions, some principled, honest and patriotic servicemen have fallen into the trap and this dirty strategy may still be repeated. They must take into account these military lords that the only way to return to a true democracy is in a true homeland; and it’s not having an army or a military group, but an educated and then armed people. And either way, through local and then general popular votes as explained in The Assembly Constitution, despite all the shortcomings that the system may have.

            Given the fact that most of the military is directly subject to politicians and indirectly to banking designs; that the people are unarmed and that unfortunately there are armed groups seeking to divide countries further, nothing can and should not be done with weapons of war. There are more effective weapons to defeat false democracy and usurers, as we explained in Part Two.


            It’s a disgrace that a technological achievement like television has become the biggest propaladora of lies. It could serve and serves partially in its more computer version than is the Internet, to educate, communicate interactively, but nevertheless a permanent television broadcast is made, only because the market has it mounted like this. Most people believe almost everything they see on television, dress, eat, talk and think based on what they see in the so-called “dumb box.” The box is not silly, but those who look at it too long and even worse if they do it without sharpening the critical sense. Today there are two kinds of people with regard to the way of thinking and the degree of information: internet users and viewers. Those who keep connected to equal times, in a few weeks leave the television only to watch news and movies in certain hours, but can appreciate a monumental difference. On television, there is little touch on alternative political issues, alternative medicines, in the main news there is no echo about the various campaigns that internet users make to denounce all kinds of irregularities, nor does the viewer have a real interaction, except for SMS messages that in addition to having a cost, are often censored. Television debates are mostly manipulated, turned into bags of cats where banalities are discussed, where people strip their intimacies in exchange for a little money and morbidities become “show”.

            The same thing happens in most media and the one that comes out best, because of how difficult censorship and synarchic control is done, is radio, especially local FM. The written press is something that will disappear very soon, because there is not much left to make wood from to make paper. The technology available today should have already swept with the written press, but so far market interests have been able to with the intelligence of environmentalists.

            It would be long to list all the political aberrations that emerge from what has already been said and that the Reader will be able to deduce from now on, so now we will focus on the most important and urgent issue: Political alternatives to the ecological and demographic problem.


            The concept of tolerance in physics is something that can serve an engineer, an architect or a chemist, to calculate the strength of a structure, physical properties or manipulate chemical reactions. There’s for that “tolerance,” exact figures. But in psychology there are no exact figures and the management of the concept is much more difficult. Let us say that a tolerant individual is one who can understand his fellowmen and act with respect for incompetence, ignorance, naivety and even stupidity (which is a mixture of ignorance and ill-intention). But what is the degree of tolerance that can be had? If we believe that tolerance is valid, let that same “tolerated” man make our house without being an architect or a bricklayer. Let a rapist take care of our children. Let the woman a nymphomaniac care for her husband and let his wife be cared for by several friends. What is the measure of tolerance you must have with the serial killer, the paedophile, the one who enters your house to steal, knowing that you may have to kill him?

            The Ecologist mentality, as you will see, is very tolerant in the sense of understanding and applying rules aimed at the recovery of individuals. But there’s no way that tolerance means that the thief can do his own and be released in less time than it took the cop to arrest him. It is not “tolerance” but mere injustice that a slavery, thief, loan shark or murderer mocks society by leaving a prison to re-commit his usual misdeeds. An environmental politician must be fair, not tolerant, because tolerance for the offender is injustice against his victims. The Law must be fair, not tolerant, because otherwise it would not be fulfilled or would do so to the detriment of society. Tolerance well understood is the goal of the laws, of trying to reintegrate the offenders socially.

            Homosexuals don’t have to ask for “tolerance.” No one has to “tolerate” a person for his sexual inclinations as long as his actions are not psychologically and/or physically harmful to others. In any case, what they should ask for is the elimination of prejudice, justice and equal treatment. On the other hand, global fashion for sexists is “zero tolerance”. That’s very good. But the problem won’t be fixed with laws. There are more laws, but mistreatment and homicide have not diminished. The situation of many males psychologically abused by their women has only been aggravated and put more at risk, because the underlying solution is not more laws, but other education and therapy.


            Civilizations have been formed because there is a collective spirit and it operates under universal laws of affinity. These affinities have led to the formation of Fatherlands. But the invasions, infiltrations and perversions of the greatest greedy in history, market-instilled selfishness and the use of misunderstood patriotism have resulted in a pitiful loss of the true sense of the Fatherland. Civic ignorance about it is evident in “conscientious objectors,” but it is also evident in so many people who repeat being a “citizen of the world.” That could become and should be a reality in the future, but for it to become so without losing the values that each collective has and – therefore – without losing the cultural values of each individual, we must first recover the true meaning of the Fatherland. Not with the extremism of the independenceists who only facilitate the “divide to reign” of slavers, nor with the forced and brutal unification of the market. Today’s homelands, which have been supposedly independent, must remain as such, because seven or eight generations have formed important affinities. But those who have not yet “independent” must seriously consider what the true Homeland is; what the Nation is and what the country is. Humanity needs no more political “independence” than those that end up being all advantages for slavers. Nor do you need stateless people, who have no group identity, or have it but without any respect for the values of each nation or simply have no idea what all that means.

            The fact that we feel like citizens of the world and that we can travel everywhere with all our rights secured as at home, does not mean that we should give up all the good and beautiful that it means to belong to a culture in particular, speak a clan or group language, have a number of affinities with a national group, etc. That is to say that the fact that being in the fourth dimension of consciousness does not imply the loss of the values gained in the first, second and third dimension of consciousness, nor that those mental and spiritual dynamics, which continue to exist in us as the basis of Being, are present in us. If we lost one of those “dimensions” or “states of consciousness” we wouldn’t be in the fourth dimension, but in the asylum.

            A true Patriot is someone who understands and loves all the values of his national group, but that is precisely what gives the sense of respect to every other group, just as only the individual who understands and respects himself, can understand and respect others. True patriots are not invaders of other homelands; rather they are sufficiently aware of the value of the Fatherland, to help other nations, forming partnerships of cooperation to free them from their yokes, just as only a free individual is able to free others. The true Patriot understands that by helping other nations free themselves from slavers, it prevents slavers from using them as a base of attack for their own nation.


            A constantly crushed idea in the collective consciousness is that perpetuation in power is dire, that “power corrupts,” that political office must be constantly renewed to be “democratic.” The truth is that power does not corrupt anyone. The bad are the corrupt ones who come to power. If someone seems to get corrupted when they come to power, it’s because they come corrupt at the root. What really corrupts is money, without which the work of the politician becomes the same as that of any worker, even if it is the one of maximum responsibility and requires training as special as it is complete and interdisciplinary. In a truly democratic society there is no money as an objective, but as a mere instrument and well controlled by society through the State, therefore there is no major corrupting element. The ruler does not have all the weapons, he does not have the sum of power as the “geniuses” of sinarchy have today. In Environmental society, democracy is exercised in such a way that the ruler will only be replaced if ordered by the Assembly where the Judges or Delegates represent the provinces, not a party. And it will be replaced if you don’t do your job properly. That ruler must be virtuously loving, deeply wise, and powerful as a person, for his clarity of word and action, not for the rank he occupies or the legal attributes that allow him to exercise government… how many politicians are there really like this?

                        What’s the problem if a ruler is so good that the people don’t want to be changed? The problem is speculator holdings, international finance cheaters, multinational companies… In short, the perpetuation in power of a ruler beloved by his people is a problem for stateless people who parasitized peoples. The constant change of government, fluctuating between “right and left” is like letting two drivers who want to go on different paths, take us in turns, on the back, instead of following a coherent route. This is how nations – even the most developed ones – have only reached a state of national depression, of unpayable debts to banks that should be a public service and not privately held businesses. The constant change of ruler assures the usurers that if something fails to do so today, they will succeed tomorrow, just as they have mounted it with the “legislative power.”


      Nearly half of the doctors are mere sellers of the vademécum, unconscious servants of the commercial policy of the multinationals of the “pharmacafia”. The other half, heroes who not only fight the disease, but also against a part of the guild itself that ridicules and attacks them. What does not go through pildorite and little more of allopathy, or what is not suitable for these multinationals, is called “alternative medicine”, when allopathy is precisely the least advisable of all alternatives. Let’s look at two examples among the thousands of issues about medical corruption.

            Scandals such as the persecution carried out in Spain against the team of Dr. Rafael Chacón, whose father, Dr. Fernando Chacón created the “bio-bac” that cures more than 95% of treated cancers, uncovered in Spain the modus operandi of the international “farmafia” and the network of corrupt contacts both in the government of Aznar and among the Socialists, the infamous political-economic use that is made of bodies of the prestige of the Civil Guard , whose agents have had to operate many times against their own consciences. But no one has tried these mafias for the damage done to doctors and the population. An even more scandalous case of global repercussions was that of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, whose theories and therapeutic applications resulted in a number of cancer cures and other ailments, which the international medical mafia began to act braided about, taking him to a French prison in 2004 (a plot organized between the corrupts of France and Spain).

            To summarize, we reproduce verbatim a letter from this brave doctor to whom we owe one of the most important advances in medicine:

Letter from Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer to Mr. Paul Spiegel
December 6, 2000

Dr. med. Mag. Theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Mr. Paul Spiegel President of the Central Council of The Jews of Germany
Leo-Baeck-Haus – Tucholskystr. 9 10117 Berlin

Subject: The New Medicine
Dear Sir. Paul Spiegel,

   I address you as being President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, referring to a presumably horrible matter that could affect all the Jews of the world over the next few centuries. It has been banning the knowledge of New Medicine for non-Jews for almost twenty years.
            First of all, I want to say that if you or your faith brothers or the press call a racist or anti-Semitic who never censured any patient or student because of their race or religion, it is as if they say that a cow is a carnivore. And if your friends of B’nai B’rith, the Israeli superlogy, the ultimate lodge, try to kill me, it will not be worth anything because after this letter, published on the internet, it would be known that it was B’nai B’rith, as you tried before (through the second of Menachem Schneerson).

            By the way, I’m going to ask my lawyer, mr. Walter Mendel, who knows you very well, that he personally deliver this letter to you. Next to his birthplace near Krefeld, my parents hid, in danger for their lives, in the War, a large number of their brothers of faith. Now let’s move on to the subject matter I’m writing this letter for:
            New Medicine has existed for almost twenty years. It has been officially and publicly verified on twenty-seven occasions, which is only possible with a natural science as rigorous as New Medicine, and not with the 5000 hypotheses of official medicine.
            New Medicine has a survival rate, for example with respect to cancer, of 98%, while official medicine, with its pseudotherapy with chemo, radiation and morphine, has a mortality of 98% (according to the German Oncology Centre in Heidelberg).
           In the 1980s I gave countless seminars attended by 80% of rabbis excited to learn about New Medicine. In 1986 I was stoned when the super-rahbin of Paris, Mr. Denoun, he revealed to my friend Antoine Graf D’Oncieu and to me, who had received, like all rabbis, a letter from supreme Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, in which he informed that they should ensure that all Jews were treated with New Medicine, as it had been verified and was correct. However, this had to be done secretly, so that the non-Jews were unaware of it. I attach the letter I sent to Menachem Schneerson after hearing these statements. I received your answer in the form of an assassination attempt through your immediate inferior.
Recently a Jewish doctor, Dr. Rozenholc of Argentina, confessed in one of my seminars in front of the chamber and 33 assistants, that for 15 to 20 years, all the world, all Jews in secret and under false labels, have been treated with great success with the New Medicine. He mentioned a hospital in Israel where changing the terms with which I have called my successive discoveries, of course the name Hamer has never been heard, New Medicine is used for Jewish patients.
            Following the publication on the Internet of Dr. Rozenholc’s statements, a whole series of events have been triggered. Professor Israel, 81, who for decades has been the leader of the Villejuif National Cancer Center and my worst enemy, along with his assistant Claude Sabbah (son and grandson of great rabbis from Casablanca), who attended at least 20 of my seminars, pretend to have discovered New Medicine regardless of me. For example, they changed the name S.B.S. (Special Biological Program with meaning, with utility) by event-SOS. And suddenly, their doctrinal siblings discover that cancer is not a disease but a special biological program with full meaning that is directed from the brain. De Hamer, of course, the two fraudsters, on a scientific level, have never heard anything. Now, let’s get to the problem, sir. Spiegel:
           Israelis appear to have practiced New Medicine for 15 or 20 years by the Israelis around the world and secretly for 15 or 20 years (see News No. 45 of November 9, 2000). With this they can survive 98%. But the media, which, in a sense, 100% belongs to their friends in B’nai B’rith, are spreading chemotherapy, radiotherapy and morphine for non-Jews for 20 years. 98% of the non-Jewish sick, or two billion human beings, appear to have been tortured to death in the cruellest way by the suppression of New Medicine’s knowledge, a fact for which their friends are responsible.
           As I said, mr. Spiegel, I’m the opposite of a racist. I would sit with the same patience at the foot of the bed of any German, Chinese, African or Jew and try to help him. But if some Chinese kill, I’m against these Chinese. And if it was the Jews who have committed the greatest and most horrible crime in the history of the world, posing as the persecuted and the victims, then I am against these Jews. If your friends have committed this horrific crime, and I think that only the supreme lodge B’nai B’rith is capable and has the means to commit a perfect crime of a size as enormous as the repression of New Medicine, they will not admit it as they are not authorized to do so. But you could help end this crime after 20 years and two billion dead.
           Your friends may have underestimated certain things, for example, that the same person who has discovered New Medicine is also able to discover who is responsible for blocking that knowledge. After this letter made public, it’s not going to help them commit a new attack on me. His Jews could disqualify themselves as human beings for centuries to come for silencing New Medicine for non-Jews. They should fear not only for the relatives of the murdered but also for the “army of the dead.”

Kind regards
Dr. med. Mag. Theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer

            No doubt the Hebrew people – like all market civilization – have the misfortune to count among their leaders, with some of the most corrupt in history, but – like any other people – it has heroes and lovers of Truth. That is why we reproduce this very important denunciation of these brave Norwegian Jews, which we draw from

“On December 17, 2008, an event took place in Norway that will go down in the history of mankind. Grand Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Gotz has signed a document publicly acknowledging that Jewish Doctors, and especially all mostly Jewish oncologists, knowingly perform two types of treatment (according to religion). Jews are treated according to the Germanic New Medicine ® and non-Jews are given the official treatment of torture with chemo and morphine.

This is the translation of the document signed in Norway on December 17, 2008:

Editorial of the Germanic New Medicine ®

Excerpt from the meeting held on 17-12-2008 at the offices of lawyer Erik Bryn Tvedt. In the presence of the following participants:

Ms. Erika Pilhar; Ms. Olivia Pilhar; Mr. Engineer. Helmut Pilhar; Ms. Vera Rechenberg; Ms. Arina Lohse; Rabbi of Rabbis Dr. Esra Iwan Gotz; Ms. Bona García Ortin, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hammer

     Participants in this meeting express alarming concern that every day, and in Germany alone, more than 1,500 patients are mistreated and tortured to death with chemo and morphine. With the help of the Germanic New Medicine ® almost all could survive. This situation that has led to the deaths, in Germany alone, of more than 20 million non-Jewish patients is the reason for this meeting.

Participants found that:

            1.- The Germanic New Medicine ® was discovered 27 years ago and immediately disclosed. Since then, and through an article written by Sumo Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson and included in the Talmud, all rabbis in the world must have Hebrew patients treated with New Medicine (so called at the beginning), now called Germanic New Medicine ®. New Medicine Germnic Therapy ® allows 98% survival.

            2.- The worst thing was, as Grand Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Gotz himself testified that the article added that they must use the necessary means to prevent non-Jewish patients from practicing the therapy offered by the Germanic New Medicine ®. According to Grand Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Gotz, it is not only that all rabbis know that the Germanic New Medicine ® is true and have fulfilled the order that no Jewish patient be tortured with chemo and morphine, but that all doctors, mostly Jews, knowingly perform two types of treatment, a real therapy or treatment of torture (according to the religion).

            3.- The boycott of the Germanic New Medicine ®, as confirmed by Grand Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Gotz, is not a matter of ignorance, error or lack of information, but a planned, targeted genocide.

            4,. In the face of this monstrous crime, which has been slaughtered in the last 27 years by around 2 billion human beings, the participants of the meeting believe that it is urgently necessary to report this crime to world public opinion.

Among the Jews there are currents such as “WORLD UNION FOR PROGRESSIVE JUDAISM”, to which belongs the Grand Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan, who refuses to be complicit in this crime.

            For this reason, we call on all honest men and women to commit to ending this crime, so that all patients, also non-Jews, can benefit from the New Medicine ® Germnics.

Together with Grand Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Gotz, we call on all Rabbis, and especially oncologists, to: “Stop this crime and this global genocide of non-Jews”.

Sandefjord, at 17.12.2008

Ms. Erika Pilhar, Mrs. Olivia Pilhar, Sr. Engineer. Helmut Pilhar, mrs. Vera Rechenberg, mrs. Arina Lohse, mrs. Bona García Ortin,

Rabbi of Rabbis Dr. Esra Iwan Gotz, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hammer.

This text and these signings have been legally certified by lawyer Erik Bryn Tvedt, in his office: Rechtsanwalt Erik Bryn Tvedt (Lawyer)

            Despite the evidence and courage of these absolutely unimpeachable people, both morally and professionally, no court has taken charge of investigating and condemning the crimes against humanity of nearly two billion people for more than two decades by Jewish leaders. Instead, a global scandal continues to be made with the Spanish theme of the dead in the civil war, trials are being followed against the Germans and a constant cinematic crush with the Holocaust and the alleged thousands of victims of military dictatorships in Chile, Argentina and other stories from many decades ago.


      Analysis of the matter dropped by condensation and lack of dispersion, following the passage of large aircraft fumigating vast territories, (signed by impartial professionals and some of whom work in our possession), have revealed compositions like this one, which was asked to analyze a biologist completely unaware of these topics:

Microbiological Analysis Report of 4 samples of, dispersed natural surfaces, obtained in the Sierra de Guadarrama on July 3, 2009 and taken with cotton, from chemtrails.

1-Cotton 1: excess intestinal enterobacteria (>105 ufc/sample) with almost exclusive presence of Enterobacter sewer is possible discharge from bath cisterns? but with curious absence of E.coli, it would be the most common bacterium if it were discharge of human bath cisterns.

2-Cotton 2: excess intestinal enterobacteria (>105 ufc/sample) with almost exclusive presence of Enterobacter sewer and secondaryly Shigella sonnei and Yersinia enterocolitica. Possible discharge from a person’s bathroom cisterns with gastroenteritis? but with curious absence of E.coli, it would be the most common bacterium if it were discharge of human bath cisterns.

3- Cotton 3: excess intestinal enterobacteria (>105 ufc/sample) with almost exclusive presence of Enterobacter sewer and secondaryly Shigella sonnei possible discharge from the bath cisterns of a person with gastroenteritis? but with curious absence of E.coli, it would be the most common bacterium if it were discharge of human bath cisterns.

4- Cotton 4: excess intestinal enterobacteria (>105 ufc/sample) with almost exclusive presence of Enterobacter sewer and secondaryly of Yersinia enterocolitica. Possible discharge from a person’s bathroom cisterns with gastroenteritis? but with curious absence of E.coli, it would be the most common bacterium if it were discharge of human bath cisterns.

Notes and Conclusions: In all cases it is a very high concentration of Gram negative bacteria and optional fermenting (oxidase- and catalase+), resistant to bile salts and therefore bacteria whose habitat is the intestinal tract. The dominant species is in all four cases Enterobacter sewer. However, the fact that the proportions between species do not correspond in any case to what would be expected in the intestinal tract of a healthy human, where more than 95% of the flora would be E.coli, while in the samples this species does not even appear.

We cannot draw definitive conclusions about the actual provenance of the samples, just say that they do not correspond to a healthy natural habitat, let alone scattered throughout a garden and the mountain of the Sierra de Madrid.

Valdemorillo, September 21, 2009 (we have the original reports)

            This document is already available to all the courts of the world whose copies they request, just as a campaign of presentation has been initiated in courts around the world, because it is the Judges who are entitled to “take the bull by the horns”. Of international bodies – like those that never did justice for Sabra and Chatila, the 9/11 self-attack or the war against Iraq that had no weapons of mass destruction and used a girl to make her lie about Saddam Hussein – nothing can be expected. A judge from anywhere can and should act when the heavens of his city are fumigating with lethal elements, and has resources to investigate and act against the causes.

            If there are a good number of Judges willing, whether or not they agree in whole or in part with the plans of the Ecology, Humanity can win the toughest battle it has ever faced in known history. The Ecologenia team is committed to facilitating safe and secret contact between judges who agree to receive complaints worldwide, as far as possible prior personal contacts with them. Similarly, a global appeal has been launched for judges and police forces to take over existing online allegations of the medical mafia, just as it would if someone claims to have witnessed a murder or rape. And we ask all the Judges of the world not to impose too many formalities on the writings, not to allow the unification of the cases, that each act with all the force at their disposal, because the unification of cases against the greatest criminals would only simplify things for them: It would be enough to change the attorney general or the Judge where the cases are unified and put a minion of their own. In this case, we are talking about genuine terrorism, even if it is the politicians themselves who are involved. We do not ask for the judgments of the State itself, but of the persons, whether they are military or executive, or even of the legislative branch in which case it should sit jurisprudence invalidating its jurisdictions and parliamentary immunities, because they are crimes of terrorism and genocide.

            All of these considerations also go through the global vaccination programme, as vaccines have been repeatedly proven to carry a safe and predictable risk. The insurance is that the side effects of all vaccines, especially those of the flu, are worse than those of the disease they supposedly prevent, which they also do not fully avoid. At best, vaccines make the immune system dependent and destroy it with their “adjuvants.” A Czechoslovak technician in January 2009 saved many thousands of Europeans by finding in an extra and “almost unnecessary” examination that US pharmaceutical company Baxter had remitted for use against seasonal influenza in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovenia, 72 kilos of biological material infected with live influenza A virus (A/H5N1 virus) combined with live influenza viruses each year (A/H3N2 virus). Without the intuitive action of Czech BioTest technician, between 30 thousand and 35 thousand people would have died. Baxter first referred to “trade secrets” and then “human errors”, virtually impossible in “level 3” biological security.

            The complaints made by the nun and doctor Teresa Forcades, the journalist Jane Burgermeister and hundreds of doctors who have given their faces on the internet and the television media that have allowed it, today make it possible for judges of true vocation to act.


             The worst part of vaccination, already dangerous because of its “normal” effects, is the foreseeable and fed-up risk denounced by scientific analysts and journalists in various languages over the Internet, without any “democratic” government seeming to know anything or commercial media talk about it: It is the implementation of nanochips, far superior to microchip that already has half a million people around the world. Nanochips are just over a erythrocyte in size, so they can inoculate thousands in one injection. They have a battery that will run for seventy-five years, which can be detonated from a satellite by a high-frequency pulse coded; they can transmit a lot of data (body temperature and others), possibly sound and – safely – accurate global location (GPS). There are nanochips with robot functions, such as sweepers, destroyers, etc., but although manufacturers advertise them as great tools for medicine, we already know what hands everything is in. Absolute control for a humanity turned into cattle increasingly slaves.


            The World is a precious Being, an infinitely Loving Mother. Life is a Miracle that deserves to be experienced and enjoyed, an adventure that deserves to be lived. But to extract from it the essence of Knowledge – which is the reason for Life in the World – it is necessary to put courage and know without fainting the realities that affect us.

            There are thousands of NGOs in the world trying to stop disasters caused by polluting industries, prevent the disappearance of forests, save animal species at sea and on land, to feed and/or educate the millions of marginalized human beings or – as some politicians euphemistically call it – “The most disadvantaged”… It sounds softer than hungry, stinked, marginalized, segregated or pauperized, which are the real qualifiers of the condemnation to which the current market system subjects more than one thousand hundred million people. Some four billion live mortgaged directly or through external debts incurred by criminal politicians even though they have their basic needs met. China has 1.4 billion and also the system becomes ecologically unsustainable in the Celeste Empire.

            Of the 4 billion uncasts (outside China, which we study apart), 2 billion are poorly fed, without the possibilities of sustained development and the other two billion “favored” by civilizing development in the USA, Canada, Europe and some small focal points scattered throughout the Third World, they live with some abundance but full of artificial needs, mortgaged to their grandchildren and/or anguish and depression for lack of values to live for, resulting in unspeakable individual and group conflicts, which are reflected more in youth but are reflected more in the social spectrum. Of the world’s entire population, some 1.5 billion live more decorously, scattered around the world under rural economies, neither beaten by the inhuman life of the great cities, nor starved, nor with existential problems. Most of these lucky people are in Asia and the rest scattered. But they are still directly or indirectly affected by ecological problems and more will affect them in the near future, because the demographic problem is rapidly expanding.

            The real picture of the planet sucks, but not only because of the global social injustice, in which the main defenders and makers of globalization are causing it, but it sucks by many things that need to be analyzed at least briefly, although the reading public thoroughly break down each issue after the first reading of this book. Without this analysis, any ecological campaign of any order will be largely fruitless. We need to understand and change substantive issues so as not to waste time, while maintaining green and humanitarian campaigns at the local level is urgent. But in any case local action must be imbued in the understanding of the global. Otherwise, the phrase “Think globally, act locally”, for lack of the first premise (think -knowing – the global) is merely rhetorical. This is how many NGOs, researchers and volunteers with the best heart unknowingly end up, working for financial and/or exploitative multinationals or for the economic-religious interests that tend to mask many supposedly humanitarian activities. It is not even possible to achieve effective local solutions without understanding the global issues detailed:


            The market’s slave and heartless mindset is full of confusion and contradictions, leading the powerful to calculate demography according to their economic interests, rather than ecological sustainability, humanitarian judgment and the most elementary patterns of civilizing intelligence. Those who manage the global economy want to “keep things as they are,” putting on some patches here and there from time to time, practicing selective and disguised genocides (wars, diseases, famines, etc.) and not as selective when some people no longer have a chance of being used, because the market needs (always under the inhumane spirit of business) cheap labor to make greater profits to make greater profits , or annihilate entire peoples, who have lived for millennia on the mineral wealth that is now strategic (oil, diamonds, coltan, vanadium, lithium, etc.)

            They are not served – for example – by some peoples in Africa who are a crude sign of the effects of slavery, the expoliity and the subsequent disinterest in them. They are used for chemical, pharmaceutical, etc. experiments, such as AIDS, in which a German biologist managed to prevent the genocide of millions of people driven by laboratories that manufactured millions of deadly doses of a “drug” that would have wiped out all children and young people in five countries. In this case it is social euthanasia because these people will die the same in a short time, if not by AIDS, out of hunger. But we are talking about an action of humanity as aberrant as the massacre, which is a more direct way. Since 1961 – three years after the end of World War II and not before – we have been reading and hearing about a Holocaust that occurred as a unique, exclusive, unrepeatable thing (which many deny but are legally prohibited from doing historical review). However, those of us who were born after the Second War witness the direct or indirect killing of much more than six million people (330 times more). We witness the degradation of all ethical and ethical values, expressed in the starvation of one fifth of humanity and the degradation and extinction of resources, because the ecosystem cannot be sustained even through these massacres and euthanasias.

            History is used – or rather a deformed tale of it – to think that the bad has already happened, that today we are under the protection of financiers and politicians very concerned for our well-being, very committed to ending terrorism… whose; which terrorists?

            Incredibly, despite the information that exists, even many people trust the system… are we really aware of the degree of slavery we have and prevent us from talking freely about so many things?

            Very cheap labor is achieved by increasing the number of people in helpless and uneducated villages. These global maneuvers involve careful work in anthropology and applied psychoanthropology, social engineering and political intelligence; but millions of employees are achieved almost to slavery, with a huge percentage of deaths from hunger, malnutrition and their aftermath. In reality, the system leads to a real massacre on a global scale. Today millions are starving, but most of the rest of Humanity barely knows. People see those miseries on TV and they think all of that is a long way off… But if they do not correct courses, it will die asphyxiated, drowned, burned, crushed by laboratory-made pests and put into vaccines and global fumigations throughout humanity, thanks to economic and ecological entropy, which sponsors everything from wars to worse climate disasters than those that occur naturally and cyclically.

            The basic solution to this global problem is three actions on the peoples most affected, but also valid for our own “developed” countries:

            a.- Generate and sustain poles of agricultural production, as they are the only legitimate wealth and natural sustenance of Humanity. More tractors and fewer weapons, more water wells and horticulture masters, fewer alms that only prolong agonies. Absolute ban on transgenic seeds, which are one of the worst dangers, already almost globally widespread and whose effects are being noticed in many places. Not only in the legal sense by the laws on their patents, but they represent the extinction of the species that feed us. More geobiological techniques, biodynamic agriculture and other “alternative” techniques, and less agrochemicals.

            b.– Educate in every way, especially by participating in the peoples of the realities detailed here, since these problems are more understandable to anyone, whatever their degree of education and even among illiterate people, than ordinary academic education, which to top it off is vitiated by all kinds of lies induced by Globalist Sinarchy for centuries.

            c.– Teaching and implementing Ecology, which among its guidelines has the Intelligent birth, which consists of sex education to avoid unwanted pregnancies. But also educate to train children in the natural values that everyone has always had, until a band of psychopaths has been infiltrated in educational establishments in many countries.

URBAN LAWS, Energies and Technologies

            Urban planning laws in many countries (especially in Europe, at the height of barbarity) are meant to discourage rural, nuclear life to the population in cities, where it is easier to control. This issue deserves special attention from Ecologenic activists who gain access to political office. It is imperative, whether as an intermediate step as long as there are legislative powers or when they are replaced by judicial chambers:

AVOID the abuse by the authorities over the real estate of citizens.

PROMOTE new simplified laws that truly respect private property, leaving without effect a huge amount of absurd and limiting laws for rural life and activity.

AVOID the political inoperability and corruption that instead of providing solutions to housing needs and the use of property, prevent owners from building, realizing, progressing and living.

PROMOTE bureaucratic easition and simplification, removing obstacles to the realizations of owners.

AVOID legal aberrations that, under ecological, archaeological or “lack of infrastructure” pretexts in the rural environment, turn cities into anti-ecological poles of biological and existential promiscuity, and take care of the use of the word “ecology”, which is done so many times for political purposes contrary to it.

PROMOTE THE TRUE ECOLOGY, which must respect property, a better demographic territorial distribution and should be imposed by education, not by repression.

AVOID the excessive archaeological and historical assessments, which cause enormous damage to the owners and against the expoliation that is made to them in the name of the “common good”.

PROMOTE laws that make the owner of the land, owner of the archaeological values in it, and be educated and helped for his own and public benefit.

Simpler and fairer legislation is required, which is understandable to the common citizen and is legally simpler in any formality or circumstance.



            This is one of the most worrying factors of ecology and in relation to protected areas, as most of these are made up of forests. Everyone likes to see the forest, the mountains with all its splendid nature, everyone likes to enjoy Nature and we have – some more, others less – ecological awareness. However, in total contradiction with that protection that the law is supposed to provide, 90% of the protected area is not really protected because it is not economically viable or virtually protected if not lived there, no matter how hard they work to improve fire market detection systems. The cleaning of the forest is often prohibited, thus tripling the risk of fire.

            The only truly effective way to care for the forests is to allow the owners of the land to be inhabited, with constructions where they can spend as much time as possible. It is not a question of making developments or exploding resources, or expoliating them, or exploiting them unchecked, but just protecting them in the only effective way: being there in an adequate building distribution. Many of the fires are intentional. A few years ago, a law was issued in Spain prohibiting the requalification of land with burning forests. There a historical aberration was made, condemning a perspective of requalification dealt, for example, to 30 years of nullity because of lightning, an arsonist neighbor, an oversight of a walker or any other cause. Still, politicians change and as they leave their posts come others that requalify under any pretext, as long as there is enough money at stake. Very different is when people have in controlled and moderate use those properties, when they really enjoy their forests and like they are really own, they can be stimulated to keep it clean and with facilities to care for them, such as rafts, hydrants, own fire detection systems, etc. Modern systems exist that would allow low costs to prevent fires and to take immediate action to put them out in the beginning, but this would only be economically viable with the investment of the owners. Just look at the statistics of recent years in Brazil, USA, Australia and Europe to understand that a fire ravages thousands of hectares and there is no chance of stopping it in many cases due to lack of resources. However heroic firefighters are, when they are insufficient, with few devices and forests where there are no properly maintained roads, the fire becomes unstoppable. A stung firewall is not enough when it cannot be accessed or from it on roads in conditions. But whoever has a house in the woods – and much more if he lives there – won’t stop investing what’s necessary to make sure his environment doesn’t catch fire. You will be the first interested in taking care of it, with everything it contains, much more than environmentalists or the state itself.

            True ecology is practiced intelligently, not only for the benefit of certain animal and plant species, but especially of our own species. The Human Being, with or without laws, with or without environmental organizations, is immersed at any time and place, in brutal wars where forests, populations, cities and people are burned, and crowds starve every day. Generating fair conditions in our own environment, even if it seems unrelated, will generate greater social justice and ecological improvements around the world.
An Eco-critical State will buy and care for the land it wishes to protect for ecological reasons or any other order, rather than tax its owners on what it cannot use, care for and not even touch. That this is achieved and on top of that with real prices, if so valued, is another issue. However, it remains the best option, allowing people to live with some dispersion in the middle of the forest and the state should give the means and/or resources to make it profitable to the owners. Whether by moderate and controlled extraction of resins, woods, hunting use, etc..


            Although slow, it is inexorable in some regions when they are not inhabited. While man is great predator, a destroyer of Nature when civilizations reach certain demographic levels under disrespectful patterns such as those of the market, it is also true that thanks to man they have become large surfaces, which without their action, without their crops, without their irrigation work and their projects, would be erials devoid of all visible life.

            Desertification has natural causes and other causes that are not. Unnatural ones are due in some regions such as the Amazon or much of Africa, to a delet action of man (mining, toxic discharges, uncontrolled logging, conversion of jungle and forest into livestock and cereal fields, etc.), but in others the opposite happens: that is, by their abandonment. In Europe, places such as Southern Spain and in America the entire Amazon basin and subtropical regions, are undergoing a progressive and accelerated desertification for the simple reason that no one is allowed to do anything profitable on its lands; much less must be intended to fulfil the true role of the State, which should provide means and develop concrete plans for the conversion of arid and virtually desert areas, into more than just a stage for Far West films.

            In China, in the last hundred years, the deserts have earned an area equivalent to four times that of Spain, thanks to agricultural distribution plans, encouragement to agriculture and the revaluation of rural tourism, above extensive livestock and intelligent provision of water resources. In the Spanish case, a liberalization of soil in Andalusia, Murcia, Alicante, Extremadura and other areas of risk of desertification, with support for agricultural ventures, would give the country an important economic advance, with the production of legitimate wealth and the odious ghost of desertification would be frightened. There are very good techniques and studies on underground water resources and water abounds almost all over the world. It would be appropriate to investigate in depth why data is falsted at the official level and those resources are hidden rather than opened for the development of the regions. There are technicians who are quite concerned about this reason and we hope that Ecologenia will serve to channel the concerns of all these technical staff who are wholly or partly aware of these problems, after which there are many things to uncover, apart from aquifers. NEXT PAGE…

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